/ Living Here / Cost of Living

Cost of Living


Camden US
Median Home Cost  $116,300  $153,800
Median Home Age     18 Years     35 Years
Property Tax Rate  $10.64  $11.20






Overall Analysis

Cost of living indices are based on a national average of 100 with an amount below 100 meaning it is less expensive that the national average and an amount above 100 meaning it is more expensive than the national average.

Cost of Living Categories Camden County Average* United States
Food and Groceries 106.50 100.00
Housing 82.77 100.00
Utilities 102.63 100.00
Transportation 82.07 100.00
Health 114.60 100.00
Miscellaneous 96.07 100.00
Overall 92.70 100.00

*Average of the Cities of Kingsland, St Marys and Woodbine